Cyber risk is the biggest existential risk to businesses in our time. New types of connected devices and compute platforms, from Cloud to IoT, have exploded and brought with them substantial and often unguarded cyber-attack surfaces. Simple device scans, endpoint, and edge protections are no longer enough for safety or compliance. CyberRadar is the only company that provides automated cyber risk management and compliance based on industry-standard frameworks. We provide real-time risk analysis along with continuous, documented compliance. The CyberRadar platform combines automated infrastructure discovery, risk status, predictive analytics, and next-generation intelligence.
True Integrated Risk Management
CyberRadar provides real-time visibility into risk and internal control compliance. CyberRadar is the first and only company to deliver industry-standard frameworks across your entire digital estate, from managing controls to vulnerability management, all delivered as "Software as a Service" (SaaS).
The framework is divided into three parts: “control”, “subcontrol” and “family”. The “family” contains an array of activities, outcomes and references which detail specific aspects of cyber risk control. The “subcontrol” is used to easily add your policies and controls to every digital asset. Risk control standards include iso 27001, cobit, nist sp 800-53, isa 62443, and the council on cybersecurity critical security controls.
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